


Disclaimer and Terms of Use

Please note that Information provided and user stories shared on this website, and the data and sources to which it refers, is not intended to provide a health diagnosis, treat medical conditions or substitute for medical advice by your health care providers. All content provided is for information only. If you have or suspect you have a health problem, you should consult a health care provider without delay. We encourage visitors to confirm the information contained herein with other sources and review it carefully with their health care provider. By accessing this site you agree that DermCare Experts shall not be held liable for any errors in the information found here and that DermCare Experts shall not be held liable for any losses, injuries, claims or damages arising from or relating to the viewing and/or content of information here. Also:

  • An individual seeking treatment is not considered a patient until the practice has completed a preliminary assessment and thereafter notifies the individual of being accepted as a patient.
  • Be advised at the outset that simply making an appointment is inadequate to trigger the relationship

Governing Law And Venue

By using this site, you also agree that the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts shall govern any claims relating to this site, information gathered or disseminated on it, or through it, and the information contained on it. Exclusive venue of any dispute over this site, these terms and conditions, and the privacy or disclosure of any information disseminated or collected herein, shall be in state court in Boston, MA, without the right of removal to federal court, which is expressly waived by your use of this site.

Website Privacy Policy

DermCare Experts of Quincy, MA may use various methods to collect information on this site, including data entry forms that allow you to submit information to us, cookies, referrers, IP addresses, and system information. DermCare Experts is the sole owner of information collected on this site. DermCare Experts does not release collected information to third parties outside the organization except as otherwise provided under DermCare Experts’s policies which comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and all relevant laws. While no system can provide guaranteed security, DermCare Experts takes HIPAA-compliant efforts to keep information it collects via the website secure both online and offline. This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected by this website. *Images used on this website are not actual patients of DermCare Experts.